Dusty Springfield - In private (song)

O minunata melodie, pe care atunci cand o ascult imi sunt renascute amintiri placute de pe vremea copilariei.
Am postat si versurile pentru cei interesati (by-the-way: retinerea versurilor intr-un context placut audio si vizual reprezinta o metoda foarte buna de a invata o limba straina) ;)

Take your time and tell me
Where you lie
I realise
That we've been found out this time

We should stay together
If we can
But what you've planned
Means there's a difference between

What you're gonna say
In private
You still want my love
We're in this together
And what you're gonna do
In public
Say you were never in love
That you can remember

So discreet
I never tried to meet
Your friends or interfere
I took a back seat between

And what you gonna say
In private?
You still want my love
We're in this together
And what you're gonna do
In public
Say you were never in love
That you can remember

What you gonna say, ay
When you run back to your wife?
I guess it's just the story of my life
What you gonna say?

So take your time
And tell me
Where did you learn
Oh, I may publicise
That there's a difference between

What you're gonna say
In private?
You still want my love
We're in this together
And what you're gonna do
In public
Say you were never in love
That you can remember
Tell me what you gonna say
In private?, ooh, ooh, ooh
What you gonna say?
What you gonna do?
Baby, what you gonna say?

P.S. Poate cineva sa imi spuna la ce emisiune aparea fundalul sonor al melodiei?


  1. Nu stiu raspunsul la intrebare, dar am ascultat cu placere melodia... merci! ;)


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