My Android experience

My new HTC Desire is like a jewel, has almost everything a smart-phone is suppose to have except it is not suited for business purposes, at least for now. For that particular reason Nokia E72 is still the king, in my opinion!

Keep in mind that the following remarks are just my impressions, I am not a professional in evaluating mobile phones, it is just experience.

The world of smart-phones is growing fast, the battle for supremacy is still in progress and that is a good thing, because the technology evolves every day.

Still there are more to do about them, for example progress must be made about batteries, since the modern operating systems installed on mobiles (Android, Windows Mobile, MacOS) consume a lot of energy. Have you noticed that most of the batteries sold are around 1400-1500 mAh? Why is that, is because there are commercial interests so that people should buy extra batteries from third party vendors, or is that because there is no more room inside the phone to store a bigger battery?

Android is supposed to be a free unaltered Operating System, but HTC and other mobile producers don't incorporate new update releases at ones, because they have to "check" them first.

Furthermore, GSM operators like Orange stick their nose also into this and the propagation of new OS updates is further delayed. For example the new Froyo (2.2) is supposed to be available somewhere at the end of this month, too late I may say.

The pre-installed FM radio application has a bug, and that is because it was developed improperly by HTC. There is no substitute for it on Android Market, but I hope the problem will be solved with the new Froyo which has an updated version of the radio.

Nokia E72

Nokia E72 instead is not a sophisticated phone, it has Symbian, a rather old fashion OS, not visual oriented, but a powerful one when it comes to energy consumption and efficiency, that's why applications don't crush that much on it and the 1500mAh battery offers enough power for about 3-4 days, if of course used only to call on a regular basis. So if you don't want touch capabilities, Symbian is the perfect choice.

Just to mention, the greatness of the iPhone is that it has magnificent applications and a lot of support among programmers, also applications are tested thoroughly for Trojans and bad behaviour before they are published, and that is a plus. Android market is not that selective and there are rumours a wallpaper for Android is in the wild stealing personal data from mobiles, so that is a bad thing. Blackberry has also loosen ground since push to emails is not a privileged thing any more, a lot of applications can now synchronize at regular intervals with email servers and check the status of the Inbox.

But Android has the power to grow, it's philosophy is good right from the beginning and this year it has gained 5% of the market share.

Hope Android will catch up MacOS world soon and more applications will come; I've already made a bet on it by choosing this iPhone-like (but much cheaper and robust) mobile phone called HTC Desire. So far I am far away from disappointment.

UPDATE 1: Just got the new 2.2 (Froyo) update from Orange France (on roaming) and it solves the radio problem. Also it brings battery performance and update to most of the software created by HTC. I love the phone even more now!
UPDATE 2: HTC has got problems in supplying with the AMOLED displays from Samsung, so it is a good chance we will not see HTC Desire sold on the market with this type of display, it will be a Super-LCD display instead, not that good as AMOLED. So hurry up and buy one if you like it!
TIP 1: Read this GUIDE if you want to save more of your battery life.


  1. You do *not* sound like an experienced user ..

  2. Definitely the subject is opened and these are just my first impressions on Android, since I only have it for a couple of weeks. Tell me what you would have expected to find in the article, maybe I will come with new updates in the future! Thank you!


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