Subliminal reverse messages from commercial music

Just watch the movie and think for a second, why is that you like some singers so much, because their music is so beautiful, or maybe because they use some "tricks" on your mind? Or maybe because they say on the reverse of their song what they want you to hear or glorify?

To proof is simple, if you record and reverse some songs you can hear exactly the phrases from the movie, I have tested it on "No Doubt - It's my life". Pretty scarry I may say to you, you can check it for yourself!

Just wonder now if there is a reason why Lady Gaga is so much popular among teenagers on facebook, maybe because she "speaks" so dirty on her reverse melodies, what do you think about that?

UPDATE: I love so much Tori Amos's concert from Montreaux 1991, but lately I have found the melody "Father Lucifer" played by her at some other concert. Also questioning is her new look, so dramatically changed. Personally I don't like her new look at all... So I wonder, are there any more good singers out there with no satanic "influence"?


  1. Multumesc de invitatie, insa va trebui sa refuz pentru ca pe de o parte timpul nu imi permite sa fac acest lucru, sunt prins deja in destul de multe alte proiecte, iar in plus nu imi doresc sa imi fac o altfel de publicitate, eu doar scriu ceea ce mi se pare interesant si cine doreste sa citeasca citeste, nimic mai mult.
    Succes in proiectul vostru!


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