The Good Consequences of Covid-19

In the last year or so since Covid-19 came into the picture, a lot of things have been said, talked and written about it, most of them negative. 

This is to bring a bit of hope, and start looking at the positives as well, if any..

Here is a list of them, as they came into my mind during past few months:

  1. Humanity has a more time to think and reflect about different problems, ideas. Previously everybody was chasing for something, everyone was running, life was a constant running race. I might be saying this in ignorance, since I am fortunate for not having to chase for food and shelter every day in order to survive. My thought on this is that C-19 gave us time to reflect about our future in this world and what do we trully want to do next.
  2. We came to know, understand, collaborate and talk more with our local community, something that was still happening in the past, but not in the way it is happening now. People seem to genuinly ask you about what you do, even though they might just be interested in talking, we are still social beings after all and that face-to-face interraction has been lacking lately. 
  3. More time for ourselves, due to working from home at a global scale.
  4. Pushed the infrastructure and Internet connections in places never available or accessible before
  5. Impact on climate change reduced by a bit, as I don't belive it is that high
  6. The shortage on producing some items, stimulated reusing, repurposing and fixing the used stuff in our houses. 
This is far from being a comprehensive list and I will keep adding as they come along. Please comment with you ideas regarding good consequence of having Covid-19 in our lives today.


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