My audiofile setup for work

Different requirements demand different setups, the one I am going to show you now is meant for office or when people work around you. I am also giving you a variation of it, which it worth taking  into consideration as well.
Apogee Groove (AMP/DAC) + Sennheiser CX 300II (budget) or Sennheiser IE80 (best)
When alone at home: Apogee + Sennheiser HD 650.

While travelling a Noise Cancelling option would be perfect, considering it's a lot of noise on a plan/train,  any decent NC head pair above £200 should be fine.
Once you're back to your desk you can plug it in to Apogee (an AMP I strongly recommend while travelling). Have you ever wondered why Sennheiser chose this particular amp to pair it their HP650 despite all the other amps/dacs out there? Well it is for a good reason, they work nicely together. That's all, test it for yourself and post a comment if you agree or disagree with my recommendations.


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