
Showing posts from 2013

Evaluare grad de civilizatie

In ultimul an am mers in mod regulat la cinema, aproape in fiecare saptamana cel putin o data. Si asta pentru ca avand abonament Unlimited am avut acces nelimitat la orice proiectie 2D. Primele luni au fost in Edinburgh, un oras minunat, curat si relativ civilizat, desi e un oras universitar. In cele aproape 6 luni cat am locuit si lucrat acolo am redescoperit placerea de a merge la cinema. In timp am reusit sa ignor clasicele probleme din cinema, precum: zgomotul mestecatului de popcorn si al pungilor de hartie, desfacutul pungilor de jeleuri, sorbitul din paharul de Cola si murdaria lasata de spectatorii proiectiei anterioare. Cu toate acestea la cele enumerate anterior se adauga situatii ... mai dificil de ignorat. E aproape imposibil, spre exemplu, sa ignori soneria unui telefon mobil, indiferent unde s-ar afla in sala in timpul proiectiei. La fel de greu e sa ignori discutiile lansate de vecinii tai in timpul filmului, mai ales daca nu au nicio legatura cu filmul, scopul pentru ca...

Apple Store delivery/collecting

You might think delivery mail in the UK is the best...well apparently not. Let me explain why I think this way using a recent experience that I've had when buying a product from Apple Store UK. It all started when I decided I would go for the new iPhone 5 with an extended Care Protection Plan. The very first problem was the actual payment, which was pending because I needed an approval from the bank. Call it extra precaution or not, but I think it was an unsolicited delay to my request. Since this happened on a Saturday, I had to call the bank first thing in the morning of Monday, explaining the situation and ask for an approval. 15 minutes for this, done. Standard Delivery was the chosen delivery method, thinking it would not take long. And indeed it didn't, but the delivery guy came to my door in the morning, when obviously I was in the office. When I came back from the office late in the afternoon, I found one leaflet in the mailbox having written down only my name,...